About the Mix Contest

What is Weeklytrash.com?

Weeklytrash.com is the hub for music mix contests & challenges that I’ve run for the past decade or so. I create a theme idea/creative challenge and my music-loving friends (and people they introduce me to) create a song playlist from that idea.  Early contests (1-7) were done on burned CDs and traded physically.  There were ballots, voting, a winner… it was a whole thing. Musical Christmas. Since challenge 8, it’s moved to streaming platforms and there’s not a voting component. Still fun! But not quite the same.

On this site you’ll find early contest information, where I’ve scanned the original mix CD artwork and provided track lists. (Someday I’ll reformat these a bit better, I swear.) Newer challenges have links to public(ish) playlists, as well as track lists and digital artwork.

Who am I?

My name is Anne and I organize this because I love creative challenges and music. The idea stemmed from a friend of a friend having a mix swap among their friends. I heard about the idea and turned it into a contest among my music-loving friends and friends to be. You can learn more about me on my other website, FruitPunchington.com. 


Wired.com Article June 23, 2005
Fans Spread Jams With Music Mixes